November 25, 2023, The members of Volunteer Hose conducted a vehicle extrication drill in coordination with Haverstraw Ambulance. Members utilized the airbags to lift the vehicle off a victim that was pinned under the vehicle.
They then removed the driver's door and pushed up the dashboard while EMS tended to the driver who was pinned in the vehicle. Both victims were tended to by EMS. These allow our members to hone our skills and continue our working relationship with Haverstraw EMS.
This drill was attended by Volunteer Hose members:
Chief Mulero
Captain Holdampf
Lieutenant Heckett
FF Dave Kryger
FF John Gormley
FF Jerry Knapp
FF Orlando Lago
FF Bruce Chisolm
FF Omar Munoz
FF Patrick Bagdon
FF Mike Dolan
Photos: FF Charles Hatala